Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 12 Reading Diary: Celtic Fairy Tales

Celtic Fairy Tales

After doing the first half of the reading, I think one of my favorite stories from this unit so far is The Horned Women. I think the reason I like it is because it was so strange. Here is some lady who has women with horns growing out of their heads walking into her home uninvited and making themselves comfortable. Not only that, he demand the lady make them a cake, and when she tries and fails to fetch water to mix the cake with, she is told by a voice from the well to utter a sentence that sends the witches back to where they came from. The voice also tells her to protect her home from the witches because they will try to return. It turns out the witches made cake with the blood of the lady's children so one of the things the lady does to break the enchantment the witches had over her and her family was to put of piece of the cake in each sleeping family member's mouth. The witches try and try to get back into the house but are unable to do so. This was such a strange story but I enjoyed it.

My favorite story from the second half of this unit was King O'Toole and His Goose. At first, I was a little unsure of how I felt about the story, but towards the end, I really liked it. St. Kavin sort of reminded me of God in this story. The king was unaware that the man he was talking to that offered to make his goose just like new again was the greatest of saints. Although he did not know the identity of the man, he still stayed true to his word offering his land in exchange for the restoration of his beloved goose. It turns out the saint was simply testing the king. Because of his truthfulness, the king and his goose were blessed for the rest of their lives.

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