Thursday, September 11, 2014

Essay for Week 4: Folklore of the Holy Land

Three Main Abrahamic Religions
Source: Wikimedia

The unit I decided to read this week was Folklore of the Holy Land . My reason for choosing this unit was because I was contemplating doing my storybook project on all three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I thought this unit would give me some good insight to some ideas that I could use for the project and help me decide if that was the direction I wanted to go in. I was extremely busy at the beginning of the week so I was unable to complete the Reading A section of this unit, but I was able to complete the Reading B part. Many of the stories about Abraham were in the first part of the reading, and I did take a look at a few. These stories are so interesting to me because it is crazy how closely related all three of these religions are. Christianity and Islam stem from Judaism so much of their history and significant individuals and places are equally as important in all three religions. I think this unit is not only interesting to read just for class, but I feel like it is important to know about these religions in relation to what is going on in the world. So many people have a skewed view of what it means to follow either one of these religions, and categorizing someone on those skewed views causes hate and war. I am a Christian, but I find it so important to understand other religions aside from my own. Not so I can judge other, but understand the actions and responses of the world in live in. I would encourage everyone to read this unit as well as other texts to explain these religions in more detail. I think it could prevent a lot of hatred towards people who believe differently than us.

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